Dolly Day's

Dolly Day's
Claiming my inner me. Now to find a gooli wog

Monday 23 November 2009

Don't Judge This Book ...

Don't judge this book by it's cover,
Outwardly happy and jolly;
Inwardly screaming, crying in anguish and despair.
For buried so deep in places unknown,
Untouched by light a child cries all alone.
Do You see her ??
Do You hear her ??
Do You even care.???
She doubt's it so much ... for no one hears and no one cares.

Abandoned, abused, battered and yes, so confused.
For so long following that road she knows so well.
Help has come and gone, leaving more abuse, more hurt more pain.
Never will she trust again.....
Never will You hurt her again....
Never,Never she cries Never again..
She's angry can you blame her ??

Now January 22nd 2010

I wrote this just prior to starting a new therapy technique,on the Thursday of this posting where I believe I truly met and dare I say split with inner self, "Child" me has been so long ignored and pushed away as well as around , not just by others but by myself too is it any wonder I through a tantrum from time to time,Oh yes I cringe at the thought.Please do forgive the very child like manner in which it appears, having to come to terms with me and me is not easy.

1 comment:

Runaway Child said...
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