Dolly Day's

Dolly Day's
Claiming my inner me. Now to find a gooli wog

Saturday 1 May 2010

The Impact of Working Together

Came across this today, think it is very true.
When we think of what we can do alone which is very little but when we have the love and support of many then mountains truly move, I know my family and I would not have gotten through the past week without the power and love of many .

The Impact of Working Together

Anthills are made when a bunch of insignificant creatures get together.

If you ever mistakenly step on an anthill without shoes, their fellowship will make an impact on you. One ant bite might sting a little. Most folks can handle that. But if a person messes with the whole family in an anthill, those ants will gather around your foot and serve notice that you are unwelcome in their house.

One ant can't create that kind of impact by itself. Gathered together, their combined effect is much greater. Not only do they ward off intruders together, they will also work together to rebuild in a day-and-a-half what was destroyed.

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